Monday, 12 September 2016


My nieces love jellyfish, not the creatures themselves (which would probably prompt much dramatic squealing & running away along beaches), but anything else to do with them, from picture books to drawings to the time we made some from halved paper plates with yarn tentacles & left them hanging around the kitchen...

So, inspired by this super cute post, from the always interesting Buzzfeed, I thought I would give the pattern from the uber talented Chiwei over at 1dogwoof a go.

Here we have some lovely tentacles, ooh I love a spiral, don't you?

And here are some in another colour because I couldn't stop making them and I thought I might just end up with tentacles all over the sofa (my other half began to look slightly concerned too...)

Oooh, another close up of tentacles, possibly beginning to have a problem here...

But no, wait, here are the smiley duo, hanging out on the back of the sofa & getting ready for their photoshoot in the Monday sunshine, don't they look happy & relaxed?

And here they are all hanging up & funky looking, ready to head over to my nieces' house, I hope they like them!

Life is a beautiful magnificent thing, even to a jellyfish.
Charlie Chaplin (1889 - 1977)

1 comment:

CosmicJUlie said...

They are bloody adorable...I totally get their thing for Jellfish, I have jellfish and octopi all over the office :D