Do you remember the Flower Fairies? Do you think she's one? When I was but a wee frock dolly, I loved the floral stylings of Mary Cicely Barker, published at the beginning of the last century. It was only as an older (and some say wiser) frock dolly that I realised that the wee fairies were pretty stylish for their day (check out the Lavender Fairy, dropped waist 1920s styling ahoy!).
So the lovely frock above is not for a flower fairy (awww....), but was made by student Alice Riley, and was the winning design in a flower frock competition held at Westonbirt Arboretum in Gloucestershire earlier this year (read the full story here).
Of course, if you want true flower fairies, you could always obtain a copy of Fairie-ality: The Ellwand Collection, a divine coffee table tome so utterly gorgeous in its depiction of fairy clothes that I save reading my copy for truly rainy days, when I need a suit made of pansy flowers to brighten my world...
All dress is fancy dress, is it not, except our natural skins?
George Bernard Shaw 1856-950